What is your recommended viewing schedule (?) for this season? Like is it alright to watch all 10 eps in one sitting? Or is it better viewed 2 eps a night? or some other schedule?

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2 eps weekly is the best option imo, it creates expectative and allows your brain to analyze, process and theorize about the information you've been given

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or you could be me and watch seasons 2, 3, and 4 in one day.

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#QA If you become a licensee, would that mean you would be able to release the remaining soundtracks from Book 2, 3, and eventually 4?

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Hey! This was really good! Never be afraid to self indulge, in my experiences, people like listening to things that people are passionate about, and if you're not passionate about what you're talking about, then you at the least are doing a really good job of faking it!

I'm picking up that you're potentially proposing a Fritz the Cat reboot, I think that would be awesome.

I can't stop thinking about an Infinity Train TTRPG.

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Freaking excited for the merch and can't wait until adult animation comes to the mainstream

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Holy shit, dude, are you kidding me with this awesomeness? I’m SO glad I signed up for your newsletter! This might be the only newsletter I stay signed up for for reasons Other than “my friend will notice if I unsubscribe”! NONE of that was boring! Least of all the animation talk. In fact, I wish I’d have read all that talk-about-animation-like-it’s-normal-cuz-it-is stuff eight years ago when I did an animation podcast (which sadly no longer exists - it was hosted by a podcast collective that shut down six years ago) where I so-much-less-eloquently said the same-ish thing.

I also have to say, when we talk about serious animation for all ages, we should probably avoid talking about anime, because Japan found the value in animation and manga AGES ago and will never need to be defended the way American animation does (I’m sure there are exceptions, like some films, anthologies, and short/limited series).

If I were to break down all the series I have on DVD/BR, 13 are animated (of those: 1 is Japanese anime, and 2 are American anime), and 6 are live action (one of which is a Henson series with half the cast as puppets). I’m not going to count the series I digitized or added to streaming lists, because I only have 7 hours of a slow work day, come on.

I hate that shows like Infinity Train get canned while Netflix is running cartoons where characters literally swing their dicks around. Shows featuring adult characters who swear, bang, assault, and imbibe in adult-aged vices? GREENLIT! Shows where adults and kids deal with adult, right-of-passage, and personal growth moments but don’t say/do anything that would get them a rating beyond PG? Not without being occasional “very special episodes” :(

Infinity Train is a show I LOVE as a 40-year-old, and would have NEEDED growing up.

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Big fan of infinity train, and the way you share your thoughts here, can’t wait for s4 and whatever comes next!

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Thanks for everything, Owen, and good luck with your future projects. With four seasons, it still went a long way from that one super-popular YT pilot I hoped would get picked up, and who knows, maybe one day…?

I hope it will also surge in popularity when HBOMax and the show itself finally open to the international audience.

I don't think the newsletter was boring in the slightest. I like the future of animation you describe and I've also had to come to the defence of animated shows and provide examples of mature stories but I think I'll gladly nick your technique because it shouldn't be me doing the explaining.

Some of my relatives even like to watch 3D animation, but refuse 2D on sheer principle, which is just short-sighted and leads to pointless discussions about cel shading and the use of 3D in 2D.

All the sadder when I've even seen them laughing hard at an animated show when it randomly popped up on TV, suddenly realising they're enjoying something "for kids" halfway-through and promptly calling the show "so stupid" and switching the channels. And as a fantasy genre fan, it hurts double because it more or less echoes "fantasy books are not mature".

But I think animated shows in general are bound to become more accepted when the current generation grows up, and especially when more shows for teens and adults get made which I very much look forward to.

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Can't wait to be a snappy dresser like Amelia.

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Hi Owen. This isn't a Q&A but a comment tho. You may know that HBO Max starts in Latinamerica on June 21st and we can *legally* watch Infinity Train. If you do a watch party after Book 4 premiere, you may want to do the same on July because there'll be a broader audience. Even some peeps who didn't watch the show or didn't know there were two more Books (CN Latinamerica only premiered the first two books, dunno if the dub studio in Argentina finished recording).

Anyway I hope you can take this suggestion and give Latinx fans a moment of joy. Gracias and stay safe man.

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Infinity Train is seriously one of my favorite TV shows out there, the attention to detail and the thought that is put into every single episode is absolutely phenomenal. If there is anything we as fans can do to get this show the 8 seasons it deserves, you gotta let us know!! I really do not want to see it go like this when it had so much potential. I'd be honored to help in any way I can, as I'm sure most other people here would as well. For now, though, thank you for the incredible journey you've taken us on. We love ya Owen!

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Thank you for all of this, Owen! This show has been one crazy ride of such wonderful characters, adventure, fun, drama, and unexpected turns I’d never thought I’d get to see from an animated show aimed towards a younger audience! Despite this series is coming to an end for the time being, it had a fantastic run, and I can only expect greatness from this final season, one final sendoff. Lastly, YES, I would LOVE to do an Infinity Train watch party and do it like its on TV, having everyone experience it at the same time while watching each ep bi-weekly, which is honestly how the show should’ve been released in the first place. But, 100% to an IT watch party! Thank you, Owen Dennis, for creating an animated show deeply enriched with unexpected turns and emotional connections to the audience. I’m hopeful for future creators to be inspired and create something as cool as IT! Good luck on your future projects, I can only expect greatness from you!

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#QA is the Amelia movie suppose to take place after book 4 and before Book 5? You can answer this after Book 4 comes out

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noooooooooooooooo can you at least make some online games and apps and a movie premiere I begggggggggggggggggggggggg of you also if there's gonna be a movie can simon please get resurrected and redeemed

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#QA Hey, Owen! You've talked about this kinda fan outreach using phrases like "self-indulgence". As a creator in this industry, how necessary do you think it is for YOU to be a vocal advocate for your projects? Do modern creators have to be an active part of their meta-fandom? And in a perfect world, would you ever have the spotlight on you or do you find this bit obnoxious? Zero judgement any which way, just curious.

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I saw #renewinfinitytrain on a TikTok that didn't have anything to do with Infinity Train and I guess that I brought more awareness but if I didn't know the show it would've been so random

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So excited to checkout the new season!

This letter was not boring, not boring! Really awesome roadmap for evolving the perception of animation, I'll be right there with you pushing!

Animation is a medium!

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