That is not up to me, that is up to Warner. If it were up to me, we'd have Infinity Train pins, stickers, toys, video games, comics, figurines, board games, lego sets, choose your own adventure books, clothing, dog hats, soundtracks, and remix albums.
#QA It’s been a year since Book 2 premiered, so here’s a question from it that I’ve had for a while: in book 2 episode 9, The Tape Car, One-One states that “The Tape Car is the only car where the universe is projected on the outside.” This line is an interesting bit of trivia about the Train and its workings, but it’s kind of vague—is it referring to the wasteland, or something else? What’s the meaning of that line/the intention behind it?
#QA How often do you take breaks between writing/outlining/anything that uses a lot of your creativity? In those breaks, how do you rebuild your creative juices? As an emerging filmmaker this has been an interesting struggle for me, and I would love to know your take on it! Thank you for making this amazing newsletter, I look forward to the future emails!
#QA That timeline was super interesting! Out of curiosity, as the show creator how many of those steps are you directly involved in/check in on as they are happening? Your role in everything is really fascinating to me!
All of them. The only stuff I don't touch is anything really technical and organizational, like shipping to Sunmin. I approve everything up to that point, but I don't like physically put together the zip file or anything like that.
#QA So how did the execs go from 'You can wheel a guy on-screen as long as he's not human' to 'You can melt a human on-screen, it's fine'? Did that have anything to do with season 3 being streamed on HBOmax instead of CN?
If it’s any help, I think I remember hearing something about CN still doing the content review/censorship stuff as though the show still airs on the channel, even though the show itself is released on HBO Max now
What program is used to put together the final product of an episode? I know it's not like that, but I'm picturing these months of work just resulting in an imovie file and being emailed to the network
Would it be possible to upload a finished script? Even if it's only a couple of pages, it would be incredibly informative to see the intricacies and details of how a professional writer / team of writers format a script. If it's not possible due to the script being company property that would be completely understandable. I think these newsletters are a wonderful idea, I wish you the very best for the future (hopefully it's more Infinity Train)!
#QA How does the crew come up with train car ideas? Is it a group effort with everyone giving ideas or do you personally think them up? Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.
#QA What scene were you most excited to see the final version of?
Also, reuploading comment to let you know that I was unable to see the gif in the email on my phone, but seeing it on the website worked perfect. Did anyone else have this issue? Great newsletter by the way! Happy to be subscribed!
This was fascinating! How long does each step of the process take? Together they take ten to eleven months, but how long would it take to get from, say, a complete script and some thumbnails to a complete show? (Why yes I am asking about Infinity Train s5)
Are you planning on releasing a book 2 & 3 DVD?
That is not up to me, that is up to Warner. If it were up to me, we'd have Infinity Train pins, stickers, toys, video games, comics, figurines, board games, lego sets, choose your own adventure books, clothing, dog hats, soundtracks, and remix albums.
However, I sure hope so.
#QA What are some obstacles/challenges and lessons/values you've encountered and experience while making the first 3 books of Infinity Train?
#QA What was your favorite train car?
#QA Do you have a journal or something like that where you keep a bunch of train car ideas?
#QA Love that you’re creating a playlist for this! Great idea. Are you familiar with Animusic? I feel like that’s something you’d totally be into.
I'm not, but I'll check it out!
Are you planning a new project after Infinity Train?
#QA It’s been a year since Book 2 premiered, so here’s a question from it that I’ve had for a while: in book 2 episode 9, The Tape Car, One-One states that “The Tape Car is the only car where the universe is projected on the outside.” This line is an interesting bit of trivia about the Train and its workings, but it’s kind of vague—is it referring to the wasteland, or something else? What’s the meaning of that line/the intention behind it?
#QA How often do you take breaks between writing/outlining/anything that uses a lot of your creativity? In those breaks, how do you rebuild your creative juices? As an emerging filmmaker this has been an interesting struggle for me, and I would love to know your take on it! Thank you for making this amazing newsletter, I look forward to the future emails!
#QA That timeline was super interesting! Out of curiosity, as the show creator how many of those steps are you directly involved in/check in on as they are happening? Your role in everything is really fascinating to me!
All of them. The only stuff I don't touch is anything really technical and organizational, like shipping to Sunmin. I approve everything up to that point, but I don't like physically put together the zip file or anything like that.
#QA So how did the execs go from 'You can wheel a guy on-screen as long as he's not human' to 'You can melt a human on-screen, it's fine'? Did that have anything to do with season 3 being streamed on HBOmax instead of CN?
If it’s any help, I think I remember hearing something about CN still doing the content review/censorship stuff as though the show still airs on the channel, even though the show itself is released on HBO Max now
What program is used to put together the final product of an episode? I know it's not like that, but I'm picturing these months of work just resulting in an imovie file and being emailed to the network
Would it be possible to upload a finished script? Even if it's only a couple of pages, it would be incredibly informative to see the intricacies and details of how a professional writer / team of writers format a script. If it's not possible due to the script being company property that would be completely understandable. I think these newsletters are a wonderful idea, I wish you the very best for the future (hopefully it's more Infinity Train)!
#QA How does the crew come up with train car ideas? Is it a group effort with everyone giving ideas or do you personally think them up? Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.
#QA What scene were you most excited to see the final version of?
Also, reuploading comment to let you know that I was unable to see the gif in the email on my phone, but seeing it on the website worked perfect. Did anyone else have this issue? Great newsletter by the way! Happy to be subscribed!
#QA Since Infinity Train is over, are you working on any new projects?
This was fascinating! How long does each step of the process take? Together they take ten to eleven months, but how long would it take to get from, say, a complete script and some thumbnails to a complete show? (Why yes I am asking about Infinity Train s5)